This sample illustrates a basic online newspaper layout. Note that the current CSS works in Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer (this is on my to-do list). To get the samples online, you have to (first make sure you have no valuable content of your own in the system) and then copy the contents in the DB/layout and DV/contents folders into eXist. You could also add the files one-by-one by upload, but that takes some time.
The texts were created using the Lorem Ipsum generator, and the images are all free for use from Stock.XCHNG.
You should see something like the above if you go to the News One front-page (if you have installed the system with the sample contents). The page has the three kinds of page elements you need to publish basic online newspapers. For a fourth, common, element, see the News Alpha sample.
The page has a navigation menu to the left, to each section. The order of sections can be changed by drag-and-drop (see the authoring page). The menu is a css-styled list, of the six top sections (alternatively, you could have a menu of all sections, of any other fixed number of sections).
It has a main headline in the top mid, and other major headlines to the left of it.
The headlines were selected from the available test contents. Any content can be published as a headline, and stays that way until a new headline is selected. The order of headlines can also be changed.
At the bottom of the page, section headlines are shown. These show headline news selected within each section.
The section front-pages have a latest-news stream (see below), showing the most recent news in that section, with a time stamp in front. It is possible to also make a latest-new stream for all news.