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Stream templates / patterns

Stream templates allows you to create various content layouts, by writing examples of what you want to achieve.

A stream pattern has a basic structure, consisting of the optional parts

- a head

- a stream

- a foot

These are inside an <element> tag

The blogs_admin template

Each template / pattern consists of one or several <element>:s


The element <type> can either be sections or entries, this tells the system to either look for section definitions (the blog, forum or site structure), or entry (the actual contents) definitions.

The <sectionHeader> is created once, at the top of the stream. The <text> tag tells the system to write that text as the header.


The <stream> is created once for each section (or entry) found, at the current position in the site. The <data> tag tells the system to look for contents in the entry data structure. For instance, the title tag. Thus, the stream below will display a list of section titles, with a checkblox, inside a <h3> tag. In this case, it will be a list of all blogs.

                <input type="checkbox" name="resource" value="no"/>

The <sectionFoot> is also created once, for each stream.

                    <input type="checkbox" name="adminaction" value="Remove_All_Conferences"/>
                    <text>Remove all blogs</text>
                    <input type="checkbox" name="adminaction" value="Remove Selected Conferences"/>
                    <text>Remove selected bonferences</text>
                    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Remove"/>
            <div class="row">
                <span class="label">
                <span class="formw">
                    <input type="text" name="conferencename" size="30"/>
            <div class="row">
                <span class="formw">
                    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Create Conference"/>

The oneblogoverview template

This template renders a classic Blog. It is not as complicated as it might seem, when you first look at it.


The entry type, says that entries should be used to get data.


We define a header, with a welcome text for the Blog

                <text>Welcome to</text>

Several special data types are specified in the twinstreamraw.xq xquery file. One is the sectionTitle, which takes takes the title tag from the section associated with a particular content.


The first element had only a header. Now, we define the actual stream of entries.


We sort by date, so that the most recent entry comes first.


We create sections, by date, so that entries are grouped by the date/raw tag.


Each section gets the date of the entries in it as header.


We include subsections to the current position in the hierarchy, but we take only the first entry (all other entries are comments).

        <stream include="subsections" streamposition="1">

We present the topic name


We present the date


A white space


The time


The blog entry


The author of the entry

            <text>written by</text><spc/><data>heading</data>

The number of entries, subtracting one. That is the number of comments.

                    <data>entrycount - 1</data>
                <text>comments in</text>

The name of the section that the entry belongs to, and a link to it.

                <a href="../">

Main menu bar