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Page templates

If we take the blogs/ pipeline as an example, it starts with generating the blogssidmall.xml page that you find in the sidmallar folder.

    <mainmenubar type="mainmenu">head</mainmenubar>
  <body type="diskutera">blogs</body>
  <body type="stream">blogoverview</body>
  1. First, the <lang> tag will create a page with an ”en” language tag.
  2. Then, the system will associate six css files with the page
    1. css2col.css, css2col_print.css
    2. streams.css, streams_print.css
    3. form.css, form_print.css
  3. After that, the system will create a <div> tag for each remaining element:
    1. <headbox> results in <div id=”headbox”>. Encountering <headbox>head</headbox>, the system will look in the head.htm file in the word folder, and look for a paragraph using the headbox style
    2. As you might have guessed, the system then creates <div id=”headbox2”>, and picks the paragraph using the headbox2 style from head.htm
    3. <mainmenubar type="mainmenu"> is treated slightly different. This item creates the main menu bar, and places a “../” before each url, to make sure you get the correct page when clicking.
    4.   <body type="diskutera">blogs</body> This creates the first part of the page contents, with the blog creation form, defined in blogs_admin.xml
    5. <body type="stream">blogoverview</body> When the blogs have been created, it will display an overview of all the blogs, using the blogoverview.xml stream pattern.


Main menu bar